I used to get my dick sucked like that by this dark chocklit voluptuous chick that worked at the Dunkin donuts near my job back in the day and I would give her a ride home a couple times a week and she would ALWAYS invite me in for drinks and weed and would beg to suck my dick after she got mellow and gave me the bestest ghetto freaknasty dickeater sloppy wet mouth blowjob that made my fucking toes curl!!! I still jerk off to flashbacks of her...
IDoWhatSheLike 10ヶ月前
6:43 this woulda ben tha moment i fell deep in luv... or jus under her spell. Whatevr but I'm keepin her lol
IDoWhatSheLike 10ヶ月前
This 1 video showz she mo fyre than a lotta bichs who ben in tha game 20+ yrz